Long Luong · 2 min read · Research Resources
Economics and Finance Research Learning Resources
This post documents some of the most important, publicly available research sources in Economics and Finance

I will document some useful learning materials for Finance and Economics Research. I focus mostly on empirical studies, so this notes is mostly about practical empirical tools.
I will also keep this page updated. Feel free to reach out to me if you have some suggestions.
Structural Estimation
Teaching — Toni M. Whited Empirical papers require a causal relationship. That is, ceteris paribus, what is
Andrew C. Johnston | Economics, University of California - Structural Economics for Beginners Here, Andrew C. Johnston documents a comprehensive guide, books, and papers on Structural Estimation.
QuantEcon is a non profit organization. They offer several useful lectures and computational tools for economists. Some lectures on QuantEcon also deal with replicating theoretical papers.
Tidy-Finance is a book written by Christoph Scheuch, Stefan Voigt, Patrick Weiss, and Christoph Frey. I like this book because of its practicality. It covers from classical techniques like beta estimate, Fama-MacBeth regression, fix effects, Diff-in-Diff to portfolio optimization and some applications of machine learning.
Cochrane (2005) provides some useful tips on how to write academic papers. My professor suggest that The Elements of Style is also a good source to learn writing in English.